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Losing weight with self-hypnosis: does it work?

February 1, 2024
5 min read
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Can Hypnosis Help You Lose Weight?

Are you looking for a way to lose weight that doesn’t involve restrictive diets or grueling exercise routines? Many people are turning to hypnosis as an alternative form of weight loss. But, does it really work? Research suggests that hypnosis may be able to assist individuals in losing weight by addressing the underlying cause of their weight gain, such as emotional eating or stress. Hypnosis can also help people develop healthier habits and behaviors related to diet and exercise. In this blog post, we’ll look at what science says about using hypnosis for weight loss and whether it can really help you shed those extra pounds.

Why is being overweight such a serious problem?

Globally, being overweight and obesity have become epidemics. In 2016, over 1.9 billion adults were overweight, and 650 million were obese, according to the World Health Organization. Obesity or being overweight puts you at risk of serious health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and certain types of cancer. Obesity can also lead to psychological problems such as low self-esteem and depression. As obesity can negatively impact one's overall well-being, making lifestyle changes to lose weight is imperative.

In order to lose weight, healthy eating and regular exercise are often recommended. But in the end, weight loss and especially weight maintenance are only successful for 20% of overweight adults. Thus, more and more people are searching for weight loss strategies that can help them reach their goals in the long run. As an alternative to dieting and exercising, some people choose to lose weight through hypnosis. According to hypnosis practitioners, lifestyle changes can lead to lasting weight loss compared to traditional dieting.

What is the success rate of hypnosis for weight loss?  

According to an early 90s study, hypnosis had a 97% success rate when combined with treatments that altered cognition and behavior. In this study, the group that did not use hypnosis lost 6 lbs, while the group that did used hypnosis lost 11 lbs. Recently, a 2022 study found that participants who practiced self-hypnosis frequently lost more weight compared to those who did not.

Studies on the efficacy of self-hypnosis for weight loss have found that participants who use this method often experience success. This may be because its focus on changing negative behaviors encourages people to develop healthier habits. Greater effectiveness occurs when hypnosis and mindfulness are associated with other psychological therapies in addition to diet and physical activity.

I want to lose weight

How many hypnosis sessions are needed for weight loss?

Managing weight can be a challenge, and sometimes we all need help to begin, stay on track, and reach our goals. Hypnosis is often referred to as a weight loss tool and can support us in making the positive choices that keep us healthy. Hypnosis is a highly effective tool to aid with weight loss, as recent studies have found that hypnosis can provide immediate and long-term changes to one's behavior and eating habits.

However, before beginning hypnotherapy for weight loss it is essential to understand that the number of sessions needed for success can vary drastically depending on one’s individual weight loss vision, motivation level, and any additional conditions or issues that may come into play. Generally speaking, hypnotherapists recommend 6 to 12 hypnosis sessions for noticeable weight loss results. During these hypnotherapy sessions, the therapist will work with the patient to put into place healthy habits such as self-affirmations, focusing on internal self-image improvements, guided meditations and imagery focused on goals. Usually pre-programmed suggestions are given at the end of each hypnosis session as reinforcement of positive health habits.

Oneleaf: your self-guided hypnosis app for weight loss

The Oneleaf app is a self-guided hypnosis program designed specifically to help people lose weight. We offer a 21-day program on our app. 100% online, the program provides audio tracks that range from 15 to 25 minutes in length. With self-guided hypnosis, you can form positive habits, reduce stress, cravings, and anxiety, and encourage healthier eating habits, all without having to follow a restrictive diet plan or exercise intensely.

Losing weight permanently is challenging. Oneleaf makes it easier.

Why you should use Oneleaf

Evidence-based guided self-hypnosis programs
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So, does hypnosis work for weight loss?

The answer is yes! Self-hypnosis has been shown to be effective in helping people lose weight and maintain their progress over time. While the number of sessions required may vary from person to person, most users find success after 4-6 sessions combined with healthy lifestyle changes such as incorporating exercise and mindful eating practices into their routine. Additionally, self-hypnosis apps can provide additional guidance and resources for those seeking assistance through self-hypnosis techniques. All in all, if you’re looking for “a new way to get your diet started” then self-hypnosis could be just what you need!

Start your first session now

Managing weight can be a challenge, and sometimes we all need help to begin, stay on track, and reach our goals. Hypnosis is often referred to as a weight loss tool and can support us in making the positive choices that keep us healthy. However before beginning hypnotherapy for weight loss it is important to understand that the number of sessions needed for success can vary dramatically depending on one’s individual weight loss vision, motivation level, and any additional conditions or issues that may come into play.

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