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5 myths of hypnosis

July 31, 2024
4 min 50 sec
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Have you ever seen a person on TV acting like a chicken after supposedly being hypnotised? That is not hypnosis, it is showmanship. Read on to understand the difference.

Self-hypnosis is one of the most misunderstood methods of self-improvements. While it is actually a tool to sleep better, manage stress or pain, quit smoking, or even lose weight, it has also been the subject of misunderstandings and false beliefs that have generated unnecessary fears in some people. 

Here are the five main misconceptions about hypnosis, along with five scientifically supported benefits of using self-hypnosis daily to improve your overall wellbeing.

Five myths about self-hypnosis

  1. Total loss of control

Myth: one of the most common fears regarding hypnosis is that you will lose total control of your mind during the process, and be at the mercy of the hypnotist who will therefore be able to control you. 

Reality: you will never lose control of your mind or actions by being hypnotized. In reality, you are actually fully conscious and have the power to stop it at any time. Hypnosis is simply a way to relax and concentrate on your thoughts to access deeper levels of consciousness.

  1. Mental manipulation

Myth: another common myth is that hypnosis can be used to manipulate or control your mind, making you do things you would not normally do.

Reality: hypnosis can only affect the mind of the person practicing it. It is not possible to control or influence the minds of other people by using hypnosis. 

  1. Dangerous trance state

Myth: some people believe that hypnosis sends you in a state of such profound relaxation that they will not be able to emerge back. 

Reality: hypnosis is a natural state of focus and concentration, kind of like when you are immersed in a good book or a movie. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that self-hypnosis is dangerous if practiced correctly.

  1. Only for suggestible people

Myth: hypnosis is sometimes thought to be effective only on weaker minds, or gullible people.

Reality: the ability to experience hypnosis is a skill that takes practice and dedication. While some people can reach the hypnotic state more easily than others, everyone can be successfully hypnotized with an open mind and healthy expectations.

  1. Memory loss 

Myth: there is a fear that self-hypnosis may lead to permanent memory loss.

Reality: hypnosis does not affect the memory part of the brain, so no amnesia should be experienced. During the process of self-hypnosis, you may experience moments of temporary disconnection, which is completely normal and sort of like what it feels like to be fully concentrated on an activity (reading, driving…). Once out of the state of hypnosis, your memory returns to normal immediately. Also, it’s a myth that hypnosis has you walking around doing stuff that you won’t remember. During hypnosis you are sitting or lying down, and all the work is being done on your mind, you’re not bouncing around acting like a duck. 

Self-hypnosis is a safe technique and poses no risk to mental or physical health.

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Five real benefits of self-hypnosis

  1. Stress and anxiety reduction

Self-hypnosis can help reduce levels of stress, by placing your mind and body in a state of deep relaxation. By using visualization techniques and positive suggestions, you will feel your tensions both physical and mental flow out in just a few sessions. 

  1. Change of negative habits

Self-hypnosis has been shown to be effective in modifying unhealthy habits, such as smoking, overeating or procrastination. While in the hypnotic state, you access your subconscious mind and rewire it with new associations and healthier thought patterns.

  1. Improved mental performance

Because you are so relaxed, the mind is highly focused on its task, which trains it to do the same in “real life”. You will find yourself more concentrated when studying or working, and notice improved mental abilities.

  1. Enhancing self-esteem and confidence

Self-hypnosis can help improve self-esteem and self-confidence by repeating positive affirmations about yourself and your self-worth.

  1. Pain relief and health promotion

Self-hypnosis has been used as a treatment for chronic pain as well as to strengthen the immune system. It has been shown to help speed up recovery after medical procedures, and reduce pain in all aspects of life, from migraines to surgical recovery. 

The science has shown that self-hypnosis is a powerful and safe tool despite its unappealing reputation. It’s important to demystify the practice, so that you (and everyone) can take advantage of its power to improve your quality of life.

How hypnosis does it work?

The hypothalamus is a small part of the brain that regulates various bodily functions, including hunger, stress, sleep, and emotions. It works with the limbic system and the pituitary gland, to control our mood and behavior by producing serotonin and dopamine. 

Many mental disorders like depression, insomnia or addiction are caused by a hormonal imbalance in the hypothalamus. 

The hypothalamus plays a crucial role in self-hypnosis by acting as a bridge between the mind and the body. During hypnosis, the hypothalamus becomes highly receptive to suggestions. It in turn sends those signals from the brain to the body, changing your body’s response to stress, hunger, pain, cravings and much more.

By targeting the hypothalamus through self-hypnosis, you can reprogram your subconscious mind to modify your habits. and promote positive changes in your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

If you practice regularly, self-hypnosis can help you with self-discovery, self-regulation and personal growth.

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