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How to Make Self-Hypnosis a Habit

February 1, 2024
5 min 30 sec
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We all know the pain of feeling stuck in negative thought patterns, struggling with self-doubt, or feeling overwhelmed by stress. These challenges can hold us back from achieving our full potential and living our best lives. 

But what if there was a way to break free from these limitations and unleash your true potential? 

In this blog post, we'll show you how to make self-hypnosis a habit so that you can experience the incredible benefits of this practice in your own life. 

We'll walk you through scientifically-based steps to make self-hypnosis a habit. 

With our help, you'll be well on your way to making self-hypnosis a daily routine that will transform your life.

Self-Hypnosis Explained: Everything You Need to Know

Self-hypnosis is a powerful technique that allows you to access your subconscious mind and reprogram your thoughts and behaviors. 

It's a safe and natural way to address a wide range of issues, from anxiety and stress to confidence and motivation. With self-hypnosis, you can unlock the power of your mind and achieve your goals. 🧘‍♀️

Let’s begin: self-hypnosis involves inducing a relaxed and focused state of mind, also known as a trance. 

This can be achieved through a variety of techniques, such as visualization, breathing exercises, or progressive muscle relaxation. 

Once you're in a trance, you can communicate directly with your subconscious mind and give yourself suggestions to change your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. These suggestions can be customized to your specific needs and goals, whether you want to overcome a phobia, improve your public speaking skills, or quit smoking

Self-hypnosis is not the same as being unconscious or asleep. Instead, it's a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility. You remain in control at all times and can emerge from the trance whenever you wish. 

👉 Find more about the Science behind self-hypnosis.

The Benefits of Making Self-Hypnosis a Habit

Making self-hypnosis a habit can bring about numerous benefits for both your mind and body.  

  1. Increased effectiveness of self-hypnosis

As you continue to practice self-hypnosis regularly, you may notice that it becomes easier to enter into a state of hypnosis, and that you stay in that state for longer periods of time. This can lead to more profound and lasting changes in your thoughts and behaviors, and can help you achieve your goals quicker and more easily.

  1. Boost your motivation

Hypnosis helps you tap into your subconscious mind, where your deepest desires and motivations reside. By regularly practicing self-hypnosis, you can reinforce positive beliefs and attitudes, which can help you stay motivated and on track towards your goals. 

  1. Long-term results. 

Unlike some forms of therapy or self-help, self-hypnosis is a tool that you can use on your own, whenever and wherever you need it. By incorporating self-hypnosis into your daily routine, you can create lasting changes in your thoughts, behaviors, and overall well-being. 

So, if you want to experience the many benefits of self-hypnosis, start making it a habit today! 

🧠 A new habit takes 21 days to form. Which is why we offer 21-day programs! You can drastically improve your wellbeing in only 3 weeks by creating a new habit. Try it now!

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5 Science-Based Steps to Make Self-Hypnosis a Habit

People who have developed good habits easily avoid unhealthy food choices, procrastination, or distractions before heading out. This is because their automatic behavior patterns kick in, removing the need for resisting temptation. 

Once good habits are established, making wise choices becomes effortless without requiring much willpower.

Although it may sound appealing, it’s not that easy. It takes effort and understanding to develop good habits. 

Fortunately, scientific research can provide both the direction to start and strategies to ease the process.

To get you started on the journey to self-hypnosis as a habit, here are a few research-based steps to follow.

  1. Set a specific goal 

Research has shown that setting a specific goal (instead of an abstract one) is key to developing a new habit. Rather than saying "I will do self-hypnosis regularly," say "I will do self-hypnosis for 15 minutes each day." This will help you focus on what you want to achieve and track your progress.

  1. Develop an elaborate cue-based plan 

According to scientific research, to achieve your goals, it's not enough to decide what actions to take; you need to determine when you will do them, where you will do them, and how you will reach your destination. 

So you have to decide when, where, and how you will perform self-hypnosis.

For instance, you could say, "Every day after lunch, I will spend 10 minutes performing self-hypnosis in my bedroom." Putting your plan on your calendar will also serve as a reminder. 

  1. Have fun  

Choose a method of self-hypnosis that you enjoy and can look forward to doing. 

Indeed, studies indicate that, in the long run, you're more likely to succeed if you find fun ways to chase your goals.

This could mean creating a relaxing environment, using soothing music, or engaging your senses through aromatherapy. 

You can also try temptation bundling, which involves pairing an activity you enjoy with your self-hypnosis practice, like taking a bath. 

  1. Encourage adaptability 

While having a routine is essential, it's also good to be flexible. Contrary to popular opinion, research shows it's effective to intentionally introduce some variability into your routine when you're starting out.

You can experiment with different times, locations, and methods of self-hypnosis to find what works best for you. Giving yourself "emergency reserves" can also help if something unexpected comes up.

  1. Get the most out of your social circle 

Evidence indicates that we are strongly influenced by the behaviors of others. Habits are contagious. So, surround yourself with people who have similar goals and can offer you support and encouragement. 

You can join a community of people who practice self-hypnosis or share your progress with family and friends. Being around people who have successfully established this habit can provide you with valuable insights and inspiration. 

It has been shown that socializing with and emulating people who have already achieved what you want to achieve can make a huge difference. 

Also, pursuing your goals with people you like makes it more enjoyable!

  1. Bonus step: open the Oneleaf self-hypnosis app 📱

You can use the Oneleaf self-hypnosis app to guide yourself through the self-hypnosis process. Using the app to guide you through your session is easy once you are in a quiet and relaxing environment.

Now you're ready to go! Start feeling better with self-hypnosis! 💆‍♀️

So there you have it! Follow these steps, and you'll be on your way to making self-hypnosis a habit. Keep in mind that it's a personal experience, and there's no right or wrong way to do it. 

Trust yourself, have fun, and enjoy the journey!

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