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Overcoming social anxiety for stronger relationships

February 1, 2024
5 min 45 sec
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Ever feel like an invisible wall separates you from others? Social anxiety can feel just like that – an unseen barrier keeping you from truly connecting. People relate it to shyness; but it's a real psychological challenge that many face, much more complex than simply being shy. 

But what if you could break down that wall? In this post, we explore practical ways to overcome social anxiety, making you more confident and helping you forge stronger, more fulfilling relationships.

Recognizing social anxiety: more than just shyness

Social anxiety is more than just feeling shy or nervous. It's a persistent fear that can feel overwhelming in social situations. This fear often stems from a deep concern about being judged or embarrassed. It's not rare for someone with social anxiety to worry for days or weeks before an event. They might feel fine at home or in familiar environments but become anxious at the thought of being in a group or meeting new people.

Social anxiety is linked to our brain's 'fight or flight' response. It's a hardwired survival mechanism that, in the case of social anxiety, gets triggered in public settings. When this occurs, the body releases stress hormones such as adrenaline, resulting in symptoms like a rapid heartbeat, sweating, and a sense of panic.

It's not just 'all in your head' – there are real physiological changes happening in your body. 

Social anxiety's impact on relationships

Social anxiety doesn't just affect how you feel inside; it can also impact your external world, particularly your relationships. It usually manifests by turning down invitations, avoiding eye contact, or staying silent in conversations.

Does this sound familiar to you? While these behaviors stem from an unconscious need to protect yourself in the short term, they can make friends think you are uninterested or distant, while in reality, you're just nervous in the face of social interaction.

Social anxiety makes having healthy relationships harder, because you unwillingly raise a wall between you and others. You might find it hard to express yourself or share your thoughts, feeling isolated even when you're with a group of people. Over time, these people might feel shut out or unable to connect with you deeply.

Strategies to overcome social anxiety

1. Gradual exposure

Start with low-pressure social interactions and gradually increase your social exposure.

  • How it helps: allows for you to get used to social situations without feeling overwhelmed, building confidence step by step.


  • Positive: slow, controlled pace.
  • Negative: Can take a long time and requires patience.
  • Difficulty: ⭐⭐

How hypnosis can help: hypnosis can help you gain confidence in yourself, working towards your goal of feeling at ease in social settings.

2. Mindfulness and relaxation

Include practices like deep breathing, meditation, and yoga, focusing on the present moment rather than that event you have to go to.


  • Positive: enhances body and mind awareness.
  • Negative: it requires practice and determination before noticing any real benefits.
  • Difficulty:

How hypnosis can help: hypnosis can strengthen your relaxation techniques, making mindfulness more effective and easier to achieve.

3. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

Focus on identifying and reshaping negative thoughts and beliefs about social interactions.

  • How it helps: changes your behavioral responses to social situations, helping to reduce anxiety and fear.


  • Positive: teaches practical skills for specific problems.
  • Negative: requires professional guidance, and needs ongoing commitment for significant results.
  • Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐

How hypnosis can help: complementing CBT with hypnosis can enhance the reprogramming of your thought patterns, making the therapy more impactful.

4. Social skills improvement

Participate in groups or classes to practice being around new people, interacting with them and improving social skills.

  • How it helps: boosts your confidence in your own social abilities, providing real-life practice and feedback.


  • Positive: practice makes perfect.
  • Negative: can initially be intimidating.
  • Difficulty: ⭐⭐

How hypnosis can help: hypnosis can build up your courage and confidence, making participation in these groups less scary.

5. Hypnosis for social anxiety

Hypnosis helps to rewire subconscious responses to emotional triggers. This can completely change how you handle social situations.

  • How It helps: hypnosis puts you in a state of deep relaxation, which allows your subconscious to take over.


  • Positive: targets the underlying reasons for anxiety, promoting deep and lasting change.
  • Negative: no negative aspects, it’s all positives!

Difficulty: ⭐⭐

Why you should use Oneleaf

Evidence-based guided self-hypnosis programs
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Hypnotherapy vs. self-hypnosis

Hypnosis has been scientifically proven to work to modify toxic behaviors on a subconscious level. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy is traditionally offered by licenced medical professionals in their office, in physical 1-hour appointments. However, new options are appearing on the market that allow for more flexible, cheaper access to hypnosis.

Each method offers unique benefits, from cost to convenience, professional interaction, and program variety. This point-by-point comparison aims to provide you with a clear understanding of both approaches, allowing you to make an informed decision that aligns with your lifestyle, preferences, and goals. 

Let's look into the differences between going to a hypnotherapist near you and self-hypnosis, to help you decide which type of hypnosis is best suited to you.

1. Price: going to a physical appointment with a hypnotherapist often comes with higher costs due to professional fees and facility expenses. Self-hypnosis using an app, however, offers a more affordable solution with varied subscription options.

2. Effectiveness: both a physical appointment with a hypnotherapist and self-hypnosis using an app can be equally effective if the program is efficient.

3. Convenience: a hypnotherapist near you means you have to physically go to the practitioner’s office, while app-based options are available anytime, anywhere, offering greater flexibility.

4. Professionals: quality is key in both cases. A skilled practitioner ensures effective hypnosis, while a well-designed app delivers comparable results.

5. Availability: a hypnotherapist near you is limited by the practitioner's schedule, but an app to perform hypnosis is accessible on-demand, seamlessly fitting into your routine.

6. Privacy: while visiting a hypnotist near you can offer some privacy, using an app to perform self-hypnosis ensures total privacy to be in your own space.

7. Ease of use: going to a hypnotherapist demands a commitment to regular sessions, which is not always easy depending on your schedule. In contrast, using an app to perform self-hypnosis is easy to integrate into daily life whenever you have a moment.

8. Program variety: hypnosis with a medical professional is often more specialized, as each practitioner has their own expertise, whereas self-hypnosis using an app offers a wider range of programs catering to different needs and objectives.

Oneleaf: hypnosis for social anxiety 

Oneleaf offers a convenient solution for self-hypnosis. The app, designed by the best doctors and experts in hypnotherapy, provides accessible tools to help you manage social anxiety. With a variety of programs tailored for different needs, Oneleaf fits seamlessly into your life. 

Start working on your social anxiety, improving your relationships and becoming more confident with our 7-day free trial. Embrace the change with Oneleaf – it's time to step out with confidence. 

👉 Try Oneleaf today and discover a new, confident you.

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