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Setting the right goal for your weight loss: A scientific approach

February 1, 2024
4 min 45 sec
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Starting a diet looks easy, but there is actually a lot more to it than we think. First of all, have you set an appropriate goal? Having something to aim for is key to keep motivation up and the numbers on the scale down. 

Today we’re going to take a scientific approach to setting the right goal for your weight loss. 

Understanding the importance of well-defined goals

Setting the tone: when starting a weight loss program, it's crucial to define clear and realistic goals. These goals become your compass, guiding your actions, choices, and strategies. By setting the right goals, you give yourself a sense of purpose and direction. You set yourself up for success.

The science behind goals: the process of setting goals is known to engage the brain's reward center, releasing dopamine—the feel-good neurotransmitter. This positive reinforcement system strengthens your motivation and reinforces your commitment to reaching your weight loss goals.

Are you familiar with the SMART goal framework?

  • Specific ✅
  • Measurable ✅ 
  • Achievable ✅
  • Relevant ✅
  • Time-bound ✅

The SMART framework provides a scientific structure for setting effective goals. 

  • Specific goals pinpoint exactly what you aim to achieve.
  • Measurable goals offer concrete metrics to track progress.
  • Achievable goals are realistic and attainable, avoiding frustration and loss of motivation.
  • Relevant goals align with your weight loss purpose.
  • Finally, Time-bound goals offer a clear timeline for reaching your goal for weight loss.

Setting effective weight loss goals

  • It’s important to be specific. For example, instead of setting a vague goal like "I want to lose weight," aim for real numbers: "I want to lose 10 pounds in the next 3 months." This specificity helps you clarify what “lose weight” really means for you, and helps you look forward to a concrete result. It has to be crystal clear if the goal has been reached, there can’t be any room for interpretation. 
  • It has to be measurable: numbers are there for a reason, and you should use them on your goal to lose weight. Start by calculating your BMI to know how much weight you should lose to reach optimum health. Use tools such as the Lose Weight Calculator to determine a healthy and achievable rate of weight loss. This calculator takes into account factors such as your current weight, target weight, and timeframe, ensuring you set realistic expectations.
  • And of course achievable: There’s nothing worse than not reaching your goals. So, instead of aiming for drastic weight loss, set goals that align with your body's capabilities. Set a safe and sustainable rate of weight loss that is both motivating and realistic. Saying you’re going to lose 30 pounds in a week may look nice on the board, but it’s pretty unlikely you’ll make it.
  • Relevance and motivation: every milestone should be in line with your larger goal of weight loss. Whether it's fitting into a particular clothing size or improving your overall health, relevance keeps you on track and motivated.
  • Timelines for success: time-bound goals create a sense of accountability. Break down your weight loss journey into manageable timeframes. For example, aiming to lose 2 pounds per week helps you determine whether you’re on track or need to reevaluate.

Here is an example of how you can set your goals of weight loss.

SMART Goal Component             Calculation

Specificity                                    Specific target: Lose 10 pounds

Measurable Metrics                    Current weight: 180 pounds

                                                     Target weight: 170 pounds         

                                                     Timeframe: 3 months

                                                     Expected rate: 1-2 pounds per week

Achievable Targets                     Safe rate: 1-2 pounds per week

Relevance and Motivation          Relevance: Improved health and well-being

Timelines for Success                 Target timeframe: 3 months

                                                      Desired rate: 1-2 pounds per week

Everyone’s particular body and goals are unique, and it's important to create a table that aligns with your specific situation and aspirations.

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Exploring alternative approaches: self-hypnosis and weight loss

Setting structured goals is essential to finding success in weight loss, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use every tool available to reach it. Self-hypnosis is a natural, healthy way to lose weight steadily and help you reach your goals. 

Self-hypnosis can be used to reinforce your weight loss goals on a subconscious level. By engaging in self-hypnosis sessions, you insert positive affirmations into your subconscious brain that align with your goal of weight loss. These affirmations enhance your motivation and resilience.

Self-hypnosis involves deep relaxation techniques, reducing stress and anxiety. This is very helpful when trying to lose weight, as stress can significantly impact your dieting efforts. By addressing stress through self-hypnosis, you create a favorable environment for your weight loss goals.

Also, self-hypnosis helps visualize success. Repeated sessions help you mentally envision yourself having lost weight, fostering a strong belief in your ability to reach your weight loss goals.

Interested in discovering how self-hypnosis can contribute to weight loss? Simply follow this link.

When trying to lose weight, it all starts by setting SMART goals that are well structured and aligned with your aspirations. It’s important to set realistic targets and attainable rates of weight loss, lest you lose hope and give up. 

The SMART framework provides a structured approach that helps with your overarching goal of weight loss.

Self-hypnosis complements your goal-setting process by boosting your motivation, reducing stress, and creating a positive mindset. Remember that your goals are your North star, and they should be both challenging and achievable. Start your 7-day free trial today to begin practicing self-hypnosis for weight loss.

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