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Understanding the cause of your weight gain

February 1, 2024
5 min read
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Can't resist sweet or fatty food? Are you no longer interested in sport because it has become too boring? Hypnosis is a proven method for eliminating problematic reflexes. 

Self-hypnosis allows you to lose weight without frustration or risk. Make some changes to your eating habits and relationship with food. 

How does hypnosis work to lose weight? How effective is this weight loss method? Can you really tip the scales in your favor? 

Let's take a look.

Understanding your relationship with food

Human beings function both consciously and unconsciously. Hypnosis enables you to communicate with your unconscious, which awakens your consciousness. The goal of weight loss hypnosis is to understand your relationship with food and how it affects your body.

Everyone has a different relationship with food, their body, and their physical appearance. When you decide to lose weight, you must first determine the source of your issue: 

  • Are you prone to overeating? 
  • How often do you eat?
  • Are you a fast eater? 
  • Are you able to eat without feeling hungry? 
  • Do you have a sugar or carb addiction?

The purpose of hypnosis for weight loss is to help you eliminate these deleterious behaviors. 

Self-hypnosis allows you to pinpoint what drives you to act in a counterproductive manner. Using this method, you can recondition yourself to act in a more durable way once the source of your issue has been identified

Your mind is strong enough to contain itself, even if you feel frustrated, or afraid of straining and regretting it afterwards.

Self-hypnosis: a true solution to weight loss?

The first thing you need to know is that hypnosis alone will not make you lose weight. Think of it more as a weight loss tool. You can only start a diet if you take a holistic approach that includes your body and your mind. Hypnosis can only do so much if you keep overeating, you should think of it as a supplement to your healthy diet.

Starving yourself only leads to frustration. Learning self-hypnosis allows you to address your personal situation in depth and achieve lasting results.

Oneleaf is a weight loss hypnosis app designed to help you adopt healthy habits and lose weight. We use a combination of hypnotherapy, mindfulness techniques, and guided meditations to assist you in changing your relationship with food. You become more mindful of your dietary habits, and reach your own personal weight loss goals. 

Hypnosis has been scientifically proven to be effective in helping people manage cravings and bad habits related to eating—all without any extreme or restrictive diets.

Benefits of using a weight loss hypnosis app 

The benefits of using a weight loss hypnosis app are numerous. The most significant benefit is that it allows you to make positive and lasting changes in your approach to food and diet without resorting to starvation. 

It also works to reduce cravings, promote relaxation, and provides motivational guidance. This is so you can stay on track with your weight loss goals and reach them quickly and successfully. 

Building a virtuous circle

You can create a sustainable virtuous circle with hypnosis for weight loss. Your counterproductive behaviors no longer torment you and you eat better. You regain self-confidence and acquire self-esteem as a result.

💪 Read more about how to use self-hypnosis for confidence.

As you see the results of your program, you become more respectful of your body. By feeling better, you leave behind your old demons and stabilize your weight.

Those who have tried hypnosis for weight loss report a definite change in their mental state.

Developing new reflexes

Through hypnosis, your mind becomes more receptive as you create a state of inner hypervigilance. This allows you to suggest new automatisms to it. As a result, your mind recognizes certain ideas or behaviors and adopts the new response for which it has been conditioned with self-hypnosis.

With self-hypnosis, you associate foods and behaviors with two categories: what you can eat and what you should avoid. Your brain is connecting neurons and synapses. By playing on neural plasticity, hypnosis can reprogram your brain over time. 

Long-term benefits of self-hypnosis

This approach has the advantage of working over the long term. You no longer suffer from frustration, because your mind provides the answer as an unconscious reflex without your effort.

Automating your response to food-related stimuli relieves you of anxieties associated with restraining an irresistible urge to overeat or eat unhealthily. 

Whenever you are stressed, your body becomes disordered, and it cannot assimilate what you feed it. By doing so, you relieve your brain of unnecessary pressure.

💪 Read more about how to use self-hypnosis for stress management

Why you should use Oneleaf

Evidence-based guided self-hypnosis programs
Designed and approved by doctors
100% natural and drug free
Accessible anytime, anywhere
7-day free trial
Start your journey

Discover Oneleaf's 21-day program for weight loss

Struggling with weight loss? With Oneleaf's self-guided hypnosis program, you can succeed in the 21-day journey to reshape your habits. Our app offers a range of audio tracks from 15–25 minutes long that will reduce stress and unwanted cravings while encouraging healthier eating. 

Shed those extra pounds—without restrictive diets or crazy exercise!

💪 Ready to take control of your diet? Join OneLeaf's Lose Weight program today!

Our hypnosis sessions are available day or night, and do not need the presence of a hypno-therapist. 

If you feel you are on the verge of cracking, you have 24/7 access to the application. 

Oneleaf allows you to enjoy your weight loss hypnosis sessions from home, which helps you relax, making them more effective.

The use of hypnosis apps can be a highly effective tool for reaching health and wellness goals. Oneleaf's popular app has made hypnosis more accessible than ever before and can be incredibly beneficial in helping people make positive changes in their lives.

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